Red Wine Stewed Grapes & Honey Frozen Yogurt


This may be one of my favorite creations yet. Not only is it easy and requires minimal ingredients, but it is rich, sweet, tangy and delicious. What I love the most about this dessert is that I had no idea how delicious grapes are when cooked. I find it so exciting to find new ways to use an ingredient you’ve been eating all your life.

I had never thought to cook with gapes until recently. They were being roasted and put in a salad at work, and I was thoroughly impressed with the result. When roasted the skin of the grapes magically disappears. Ok, it’s not magic, but the texture changes so much that is seems as if the grapes were skinless. And, as they roast, the sugars caramelize resulting in wonderfully sweet and complex flavors that hardly resemble the taste of raw grapes. The flavors reminded me of a fabulous dessert I had of red wine prunes and mascarpone, so I decided to marry the ideas and made this dessert. Please try this out and let me know how it is! I love how simple this recipe is and how just a few ingredients can result in such rich and complex flavors. If you don’t have the time or an ice cream machine, by all means pick up some frozen yogurt at the store, just do your best to buy the one with the fewest processed ingredients.

With the recent craze of frozen yogurt I’ve often wondered if any of the fro-yo chains actually contain probiotics and, if so, can these little probiotics survive the cold. After a little research it seems that to use the word "yogurt" in your label you are required to have a certain quantity of live stains of healthful bacteria in your product. And, these little guys do in fact endure the cold. They become dormant when frozen and are revitalized when consumed as they are warmed within the body. So, in moderation, frozen yogurts are a tasty way to get more probiotics into your diet.

Honey Frozen Yogurt
  • 1 qt organic plain yogurt
  • ¼ c honey
  • 1 T vanilla

For the frozen yogurt, combine all ingredients in the bowl of your ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer's directions. This is best eaten fresh, but if you do freeze it overnight, be sure to allow it to soften for at least 15 minutes in the fridge, as the water in the yogurt will develop into ice crystals while in the freezer.

Red Wine Stewed Grapes
  • 1 # red grapes
  • ½ cup raw organic sugar
  • 1 c red wine

Heat a heavy sauce pot over medium heat, add all ingredients and mix until the sugar is dissolved. Lower heat and simmer until the grapes begin to soften (I cut some in half and smashed some while cooking to change the consistency). Cook for approximately 30 minutes on low until the wine reduces to a thick, sticky sauce.  When you run a spoon through the sauce it should remain separated for several seconds as shown in the photo above.

Sweet & Salty Seed Brittle
  • ½ cup assorted seeds (I used sesame, pumpkin & sunflower)
  • 3 T sugar (honey, maple, granulated…. take your pick)
  • 1 t salt

This is an unrecipe at it’s finest. It’s basically toasted seeds with a bit a sugar and a healthy amount of salt. It adds the right amount of crunch and contrast to this dessert in just a few easy steps.

Heat your oven to 375°F. In a small bowl, mix seeds, sugar and salt. Pour onto a parchment lined baking sheet and bake for approximately 10 minutes, or until the sugar begins to melt (it’s ok if there are still unmelted granules) and the seeds are golden brown. Allow to cool completely.